Get to know me
Welcome to my world of creativity, growth and wisdom. My name is Amarachi Felix, born and raised in London. I describe myself to be what you would call a well-rounded and multifaceted individual, using creative solutions for your desired outcomes. I am the founder of Amarachiamans, which is a luxury fashion brand, I’m also a creative director, brand consultant and a stylist as it pertains to people’s personal development and expressions of self.
Working within the fashion industry has provided great opportunities for me to explore and delve into other sectors of arts & entertainment, branding and business. Having worked and collaborated with amazing individuals across the board, business and brand development is something I am truly passionate about, which led me to start providing brand consultations leading others to win and grow in their craft, business or service with a strong brand identity that stands the test of time.
I’m also a big believer that storytelling is a greatest form of communication done through a variety of outlets. So I am very intentional about using social media platforms to share my work as a digital content creator. Documenting my journey in real time along with providing content that is informative, teachable, entertaining and engaging. Overall treasured memories which I get to share with the world!